Free HPV Vaccine And Marklate Starts October 3rd 2022 For 10 Years Old Girls
The Ministry of Health and Sanitation in collaboration with its partners will vaccinate all 10 years old girls both in and out of schools with free HPV Vaccine and Marklate, starting October 3rd 2022.
The HPV Vaccine and Marklate protects against HPV infections. The Vaccine is given to girls at an early age before they start sexual activity.
HPV Vaccine has been introduced in over 50 countries and known to be safe and effective.
Cervical Cancer is the second most common cause of cancer in female in Sieria Leone after breast cancer.
Cervical Cancer is mostly caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
HPV is a common infection transmitted sensually from an infected person to another. Most people with HPV do not normally show signs and symptoms.
Older women can lower their risk by using condoms and go for screening at the nearest health facility.
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